These blog writing tips will help you create content which attracts your target audience. Blogs are one of the best methods for attracting traffic to your website. And this, in return, has positive impact on search engines favouring your site in organic search results.

But, in order to get the greatest benefit, you must create genuine content your audience is interested in. Search engines favour pages which offer authentic, valuable information, so that they can provide their searchers with quality content.
To achieve this, you need to be very clear of your audience – who they are and what their interests or pain points are. You should also aim for consistency in your blogging schedule. At the bottom of this article we share some extra tips about blog writing, to help you brainstorm and plan your posts.
As with any marketing task, when you sit down to plan or write for your business, start by giving yourself a mental refresher on who your target audience is.
- What are their needs and interests?
- What do they search for online? Which of those topics can you offer information about?
- Focus on one key topic or area in each article, rather than covering too much information.
Bear these points in mind throughout your blogging exercises. This will keep you on track to write engaging and informative posts that will be discovered by the right people.

Need help identifying your audience? Kelly’s downloadable Social Media Planning eBook and templates will help you focus on your audience and break down your content in a practical manner.
Many blog writing efforts start off with a bang but end soon after in a fizzle.
Why? One of the biggest mistakes people make is to start creating content without a plan. This often results in using the strongest, most engaging ideas in the initial period, leaving little to follow up with.
- Brainstorm your / your audience’s areas of interest.
- Break these down into potential blog posts.
- Choose a handful of topics to start adding content dot points which you’ll cover when you sit down to write. (Pre-planning will help guide your writing session)
- Create a 3-month plan.
- Make it achievable.
- Start writing.
- Repeat.
*This “fade-away” issue is common of blogging and any continuous social media marketing activity, so these tips apply across the board.
In 2021, this matters more than ever if you hope to see positive search engine results. And regardless of that, your brand will benefit from genuine content which shows your passion and professionalism.
Always write with your audience in mind.
In your copy, answer questions your audience may have. For the best results, your posts should be genuinely informative, answering queries people may search online.
Preparing for Blog Writing
- Brainstorm the broad content areas which express your brand, your services, and your clients’ needs.
- Under each of these main headings, break down subtopics and post ideas which best suit your brand and your audience.
- Create rough working titles for each potential post, keeping terms people search for in mind.
- Consider realistically how long each will take to prepare taking into account writing, graphics and photographs required for each.
- Make a list of images, animations, infographics, video snippets and more, which will help to illustrate your article. These media will help break up your text, and keep people engaged with your website.
Once you begin writing, you may be surprised how easily the words and ideas for future posts begin to flow!
More Blog Writing Resources..
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heather elliott says
Just what I needed I’m having to blog like crazy and finding it really difficult